Spectacular Spider-Man #259 (1998)
Spectacular Spider-Man #259 (1998)
Goblins at the Gate, Part 1 of 3: "Survivor of the Big Lie!" Plot by Roger Stern & Glenn Greenberg. Script by Glenn Greenberg. Pencils by Luke Ross. Inks by Al Milgrom. Cover by John Romita Sr.
Norman Osborn hits the talk show circuit to promote his new book! And in it he denies he is or ever was the Green Goblin! But Peter Parker knows that's a big lie! And so does Roderick Kingsley (aka the Hobgoblin)! Sensing an opportunity, the Hobgoblin begins mouthing off in prison that he has one of the goblin's original journals! And that piques the interest of Norman Osborn and Betty Brant! The new author sends his purple & green lackey to the Great Neck prison to bust Roderick out! While Betty asks her favorite photographer to accompany her to the prison! When the pumpkin bombs start flying, the mayhem ensues! The Green Goblin, the Hobgoblin, and Spider-Man... are they fighting with each other or against each other or none of the above?
Near mint condition.