Old Man Logan Complete 8-Chapter Story Arc (2009)
Old Man Logan Complete 8-Chapter Story Arc (2009)
Nobody knows what happened on the night the heroes fell. All we know is that they disappeared and evil triumphed and the bad guys have been calling the shots ever since. What happened to Wolverine is the biggest mystery of all. For 50 years, no one has heard hide nor hair from him...and in his place stands an old man called Logan.
Fusing the dystopian super-hero elements of the X-Men's "Days of Future Past," the apocalyptic futurescapes of Mad Max, and the tragic pathos of Clint Eastwood's archetypal Western heroes, this 8-part tale finds Wolverine at a crossroads with who he really wants to be and who he really is. Written by Mark Millar. Art and cover by Steve McNiven.
Includes Wolverine Issues #66-72 and Giant-Size Wolverine One-Shot. Contains key books: first appearances for Old Man Logan, Spider-Bitch & T-Rex Venom symbiote. Near mint condition.